The American public has been asked to either sacrifice a livable planet or cast aside thousands of workers, their families, and the local economies they support.
This is a false choice.

Whether it's an oil field in the Permian or a future offshore wind farm in the Gulf of Mexico, American energy workers keep the lights on. Politicians and pundits spend a lot of time talking about America’s energy workers, but has anyone asked them?
True Transition is an organization with two primary missions.
1. Secure a seat at the table for energy workers. We are speaking directly to oil and gas workers throughout the United States about their working conditions, their training and compensation needs, and their hopes for tomorrow's industries. They deserve a seat at the table, because they built the table.
2. Create the jobs and conditions of the energy transition. We are a public policy collaborative identifying where oil and gas workers' skills are needed most and writing the policies to make those jobs and laws a reality. We are working to make sure that workers can seamlessly transition into emerging fields with training and full interim support. And finally, we are working to make sure that future energy jobs pay well and support American families and communities.